The Osservatorio Fratture da Fragilità Italia (OFF Italia; Fragility Fractures Observatory Italy) is a non-profit organization that works in the field of fragility fractures.
Its activity starts from the observation of the existing situation in the field of bone fragility in our country, where it works by collecting data about fragility fractures with the support of clinical evidence.
Data of fragility fractures in Italy are analyzed and processed by OFF Italia, in order to make them available in the most updated and complete form, and such as to faithfully reflect the Italian situation.
Indeed, the availability of updated data is an indispensable support for healthcare decision-makers, and those public institutions that have the task of making health-related decisions.
The availability of complete and reliable data it is also essential to conceive novel and better choices of health policy, useful to concretely face the serious problem of fragility fractures in Italy.
In this light, OFF Italia takes on an ambitious role of stimulus, aware that knowledge together with an effective communication activity are essential for decision makers to be able to provide correct answers, thus, promoting the creation and advancement of effective initiatives to actively promote skeleton health.
Particularly, OFF Italia carries out the following activities:
- Interacts with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) on a Mentorship project of which OFF Italia is the Italian receptor for IOF activities;
- Interacts with Regional Health Agencies for the evaluation of therapy in patients with fragility fractures and related outcomes;
- Interacts with Italian Regions for the application of the PDTA on the management of fractured patient;
- Commits constant reviewing and dissemination of the Italian Guidelines on Fragility Fractures by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità;
- Collaborates with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità to build the Italian Registry on Fragility Fractures;
- Coordinates an Italian study on pregnancy-related osteoporosis;
- Promotes bone health in cancer patients.